Biometric Safes- An Innovation in Secure Storage

Biometric Safes In Karachi

The 21st century can rightly be called the age of innovation, as many conventional concepts have evolved and become more fail-safe and efficient with the touch of technology. With the rapid advancements in technology, all areas of our lives have transformed, including security. Traditional methods of storage have improved so much that the old-fashioned safe is now replaced by a safer and more efficient biometric safe

These are not just a symbol of modern methods of security but are a blend of the timeless need for secure storage and cutting-edge technology. 


The Evolution of Safes: The Need for Heightened Security in Contemporary Living


Safes have been an integral part of human life, evolving alongside the need to protect valuables. The first safe and its usage can be traced back to the 13th century BC, in Egypt. Initially, these safes were just wooden boxes depending on the size and quantity of the valuables placed inside. 

These boxes could be locked from the outside, to deter any attempts of theft. Iron chests became prevalent soon after when the need for secure storage became more imminent. Usually, these safes were kept by royals and nobles to protect their belongings. 

In the 19th century, safes began to be made keeping fire resistance in mind, progressing slowly into the lock and combination safes which were common for a very long period. Finally, fingerprint safes emerged as the need for security has also moved into common spheres. Now, each household has a set of valuables that need to be stored securely, unlike the ancient times when nobles only needed safes. 


The Biometric Technology and Its Application in Safes


Imagine a safe that recognizes its owner not by a key or a card that can be easily stolen but by the scan of your fingerprint. Can anything be safer than that? These personal safes have redefined the concept of secure storage and made it much more personalized and hack-free. 

The fingerprint safe falls in the category of morphological biometrics. This system involves scanning the morphological structure of your finger(s) and saving it as a key for the lock. It is a foolproof secure storage method as physical characteristics such as the fingerprint are fixed for each individual. Even identical twins do not have the same fingerprints. 


How do Businesses Utilize Biometric Safes?


The rapid advancements in the art of safety and security have also helped businesses to evolve their method of storage. Being a matter of concern for businesses, security is always the priority in the corporate world. 

The concept of commercial access control has made businesses more secure with the replacement of locks that needed to be opened with a key or a card to biometric safes. There is a fair chance of a key or a card being stolen or taken away by a colleague or any other outsider, but the same cannot happen with a finger. 

Over time, an increasing number of companies in the healthcare, banking, public sector, and law enforcement have started to use fingerprint safes for secure storage of relevant documents or other belongings which can be important for the business. 


Why Choose Noor Corp`s Biometric Safes When in Need of Secure Storage?


Noor Corp offers a wide range of biometric safes for all those who seek secure storage for any valuables. These fingerprint safes provide the highest level of security, as they are equipped with advanced fingerprint recognition technology. 

This state-of-the-art technology makes these lockers impenetrable. There is no way that the safe can be opened without the fingerprint that is registered with it. This gives access to only authorized individuals to the content inside the safe, making your belongings super secure. 




  • Can a safe have a fingerprint login?


Biometric safes or fingerprint safes have a fingerprint login that has to be entered if anyone wishes to open the safe. It can be opened by authorized personnel only, marking it as highly safe. 



  • Where can I get trusted biometric lockers in Pakistan?


Noor Corps is a well-known and trusted biometric safe maker in Pakistan. They have been helping many businesses and individual clients enhance their security and make it more efficient. 



In an era where the need for security and safety has become increasingly significant, fingerprint safes are a trendsetter. With these safes, there is no risk of losing your valuables to even identity theft as no one can take up your fingerprints.